
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Costumes for kids and grandkids

 These are costumes I've made for my kids and grandkids. Some are revamped from old clothing and other costumes and some are made from fabric scraps or pellon and then painted, glued, etc.. I love making play clothes and costumes for them that they can dress up and imagine and dream about their superheroes or characters they want to experience. Dress up and creative play are very important to a childs imagination and help them learn to expand their own perspectives. I hope as they play with these clothes and costumes that they feel free to use them up till they're worn out, that they learn how to make their own, and enjoy the fun they are meant to give.


  1. Thank you mom for having me wear shorts. Knowing our budget if I insisted on trying to be true to the superman outfit you probably would have spray painted some of my underwear and strapped that on me. And then how majestic would I look then?
    Caille loves the wizard costume. He wears that the most out of all the costumes he has.

  2. I put the shorts on you because the fly to the leotard that I sewed from not very stretchy fabric wouldn't stay closed. I knew you were probably super, but I didn't want you getting a reptuation for being too "Super" before you were old enough to know what to do with it.
